Professor Edson A. Ticianelli

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He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in 1976 and completed his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in 1985, both from the University of São Paulo. In 1991, he passed a Free Teaching competition and was promoted to Associate Professor (MS5), and currently, since 2003, he holds the position of Full Professor (MS6). He served as the President of the Graduate and Research Committee at IQSC, as well as the head of the Department of Physical Chemistry and Director of the Institute from 2006 to 2010. He has been a Full Member of the Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo (ACIESP) since 2012, a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences since 2013, and a member of the Transworld Academy of Science (TWAS) since 2020. Additionally, he holds the CNPq 1A researcher status.
To date, he has published 2 books and 241 papers indexed in the Web of Science (with 11,461 citations and an h-index of 56). He has submitted 4 patent applications and has presented approximately 450 papers at conferences, many of them as keynote and plenary lectures. He has supervised 22 Master’s dissertations and 35 Ph.D. theses, in addition to mentoring 27 Postdoctoral researchers and around 30 undergraduate research projects, all in the field of Chemistry, with a focus on Electrochemistry. The most frequently mentioned terms in his Lattes curriculum that contextualize his scientific work are hydrogen oxidation, oxygen reduction, fuel cells, water electrolyzers, and carbon dioxide reduction.
Germano Tremiliosi Filho

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He graduated in Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos in 1977, obtained his master’s degree in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) from the University of São Paulo in July 1983, and completed his Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences (Physical Chemistry) at the University of São Paulo in December 1986. He became a Free Teaching Professor in Electrochemistry at the University of São Paulo in October 1993. He conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Ottawa, Canada, from May 1988 to July 1990, under the supervision of Professor Brian E. Conway.
He also served as a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, from August 1997 to December 1998. Currently, he holds the position of Full Professor, ref. MS 6 – RDID (exclusive dedication) at the University of São Paulo (USP) within the Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos (IQSC). He also has a background in Materials Engineering. His areas of expertise include Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, and Materials. Sub-areas of expertise encompass electrocatalysis, surface science, materials science, and corrosion. Specific research areas include the electrooxidation of CO, methanol, ethanol, and glycerol; modification of single-crystal surfaces of platinum, gold, etc.; hydrogen generation by water electrolysis; direct methanol, ethanol, and glycerol fuel cells; corrosion; photoelectrocatalysis; and biomaterials for bone implantation.
He has made significant scientific and technological contributions to innovation, including the development of direct ethanol fuel cells (with extensive experience and knowledge in ethanol oxidation, recognized internationally as an expert in the field) and the study of the feasibility and development of direct glycerol fuel cells (pioneering basic and applied research on glycerol oxidation for technological applications in clean electricity production and high-value-added products, using this byproduct of biodiesel synthesis). He has also worked on the development of photon-assisted direct alcohol fuel cells. In terms of university administrative activities, he has held several roles, including President of the Coordinating Committee of the Bachelor’s degree program in Chemistry at IQSC/USP (1992-1994), President of the Undergraduate Committee at IQSC/USP (1994-1997 and 2006-2009), Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Physical Chemistry at IQSC/USP (2001-2006), Vice-Director of IQSC/USP (2010-2014), and Director of IQSC/USP (2014-2018). He also serves as an Associate Editor of the journal “Electrocatalysis,” published by Springer (2010-…).
Professor Hamilton Varela

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He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (1998) and completed their master’s degree in Physical Chemistry at the University of São Paulo (2000). He earned their Ph.D. from the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, with a thesis defended at Freie Universität Berlin in Germany (2003). They also conducted postdoctoral research at the Department of Experimental Physics (E19) at Technische Universität München in Germany.
He was a Young Researcher supported by FAPESP between 2005 and the beginning of 2007 and has been a Full Professor at the Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos (IQSC) at USP since 2017. His expertise lies in the field of Physical Chemistry, with a focus on Complex Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Electrochemistry. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals, authored 5 book chapters, and made more than 200 contributions to scientific events. He has delivered over 180 oral presentations in the form of seminars, invited lectures, and conference communications in various countries, including Brazil, Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, France, the USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, South Korea, and China.
Furthermore, he is a founding member and have been the Managing Scientist of the “Ertl Center for Electrochemistry and Catalysis” in Gwangju, South Korea, since November 2010. They were elected as an Affiliated Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2010-2014) and are a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo (ACIESP) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). They received the Skinner Prize from RSC in 2001 and the first edition of the Ertl Prize (2012), presented by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry laureate of 2007, G. Ertl.
Regarding administrative roles, he served as a member of the Chemistry Advisory Council of CNPq from October 2020 to June 2023, Cabinet Advisor to the Vice Chancellor for Research at USP from March 2015 to June 2018, and Executive Director of ACIESP from June 2015 to October 2019. He also held the position of Senior Advisor to the USP Vice Chancellor from January to September 2022 and served as Vice-Director of IQSC from May 2018 to April 2022, currently holding the position of IQSC Director from May 2022 to April 2026.
Professor Fabio Henrique Barros de Lima

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He graduated in Chemistry in 2001 and completed his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at the University of São Paulo at the Institute of Chemistry in São Carlos (IQSC) in 2006, with a stint at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. He conducted postdoctoral research at IQSC between 2006 and 2008. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Chemistry in São Carlos – USP. He has published 63 articles in specialized journals and over 100 abstracts in event proceedings. He has participated in and presented lectures at more than 15 international conferences and over 50 in Brazil. These works have received 3,530 citations (h-index = 31, as of September 2023 – Scopus). His primary areas of expertise are related to the investigation of electrocatalysis in electrochemical reactions involving water splitting, electro-oxidation of organic and inorganic fuel molecules, electro-reduction of oxygen, and electro-reduction of carbon dioxide. These reactions are involved in electrochemical devices for energy conversion and storage, such as fuel cells, electrolyzers, and regenerative electrochemical devices.
Professor Joelma Perez

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Hired as a faculty member at USP in 2010, she holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of São Paulo (1989), a master’s degree in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) from the University of São Paulo (1992), and a Ph.D. in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) from the University of São Paulo (1997). Her expertise lies in the field of Chemistry, with a focus on Electrochemistry, primarily working on the following topics: electrocatalysis, oxygen reduction, alcohol oxidation, dispersed catalysts, and fuel cells.